
the outer string | OUT

Werner Hasler trumpet and electronics, Carlo Niederhauser cello, Vincent Courtois cello, Christoph Steiner drums, Julian Sartorius drums, Franck Vaillant drums. Video art by Chloe Legrand, Hugo Ryser, Arno Oehri, Fred Poulet, Marlene Hirtreiter and Andre Mayr

OUT TOO | the outer string | optickle | stettlerbros. 67

Werner Hasler trumpet and electronics, Carlo Niederhauser cello. Visulas by Hugo Ryser, Manuel Schüpfer, Sam Radvila. Art exhibition by Christoph Stettler


| the outer string | optickle | stettlerbros. 67

OUT TOO is a looped audio-visual installation followed by a liveset of around 60 minutes. 10 pictures "out in the woods" are exhibited.

OUT TOO takes a look at a wildly romantic landscape of rocky edifices, forests and streams in the region of Krauchthal, through the lens of a semi-automatic eye. Origami-like images unfold to fill the space embedded in a sculptured sound-world, revealing a special piece of nature. Befitting, everything that can be discovered has developed from folded forms. Flower buds, wings, even the observers brain and his genes.
The surround video installation interweaves close-up-slow-motion recordings of nature, with geometrical principals of folding, as usesd in Origami. The sounds recorded on-site, weave with the warm tones of actual and synthesised trumpets and celli.
The installation broaches the issue of our representation of nature, increasingly alienated by algorythms. It questions the relation of real experience of a location versus our notion through digital media.
OUT TOO takes the common contemporary idea of 'experience before experience' to a new level in a virtual-design reality and transforms a real piece of the world into a hyper-real event.

The real thing: 46 59'31.8"N 7 32'41.5"E

Exhibition out_in_the_woods by stettlerbros. 67 Christoph Stettler

Interview with Werner Hasler by Milena Krstic: OUT_TOO_Der_Bund

Portrait in Jazz 'N' More by Pirmin Bossart : MaerzApril2018


the outer string | OUT

OUT concerts and exhibitions in spring 2017

April 28th 2017 OUT @ Cinema REX Bern,

with Vincent Courtois and Julian Sartorius, Video art by Chloe Legrand, Hugo Ryser, Arno Oehri, Fred Poulet, Marlene Hirtreiter and Andre Mayr. Visuals by Hugo Ryser

> Aufnahmen aus dem Abseits | Article by Stefanie Christ BZ

April 29th 2017 OUT @ Kulturm, Kulturnacht Solothurn

with Vincent Courtois and Julian Sartorius and Visuals and Video by Hugo Ryser

Mai 26th to Mai 28th OUT @ Orte als Thema with Kunsthalle Luzern, exhibition and concerts with

Carlo Niederhauser cello, Vincent Courtois cello, Christoph Steiner drums, Julian Sartorius drums, Franck Vaillant drums. Video art by Chloe Legrand, Hugo Ryser, Arno Oehri, Fred Poulet, Marlene Hirtreiter and Andre Mayr

June 10th 2017 OUT @ O Gib Montreuil/Paris

with Vincent Courtois and Franck Vaillant, Video art by Chloe Legrand, Hugo Ryser, Arno Oehri, Fred Poulet, Marlene Hirtreiter and Andre Mayr. Visuals by Fred Poulet

>OUT< is an exhibition, is a concert, is an exhibition
It's a bit like surfing the internet in real life: exploring links between the audio and visual, a challenge to consciously see and hear everything.

Werner Hasler and the musicians of 'the outer string' bring sounds and pictures from the exterior to the interior. Six recordings made in landscapes and spaces serving as ad-hoc studios in Liechtenstein, Berne and Paris form the core of the project.

OUT is an attempt to make the acoustic dimensions of a space audible; an effort to experience the perspective of sound and sphere.
The supple sounds of the trumpet coupled with cello, drums and electronics interweave, penetrate, veil or even fight against the will-less sonic wash of the outside. At the same time, the camera records the space and at some points the musicians.

The presentation is an inter-connective, multidimensional exhibition of video art with live sets. The short films can be experienced at the audience's leisure. Six sets of live music in varying formations from solo to quartet, embedded in the visuals from the six recordings, inspire the imagination and invite a sense of deja-vu between the pictures, the music, the spaces and the sounds.

duos trios and quartets featuring:
Carlo Niederhauser cello, Marie Schmit cello, Vincent Courtois cello, Christoph Steiner drums, Julian Sartorius drums, Franck Vaillant drums

video art by:
Chloe Legrand, Hugo Ryser, Arno Oehri, Fred Poulet, Marlene Hirtreiter and Andre Mayr

Premiere Bern: April 8th and 9th 2016 at Dampfzentrale
Premiere Liechtenstein: June 17th 2016 ongoing exhibition until August 20st 2016 , with concerts the 17th and 20st, at Gasometer Triesen in collaboration with Tangente Eschen

presskit in german, french and english

Voie Mazas

Paul Bert

OUT is on Everest Records

Keine sterile Studioatmosphärere, sondern das volle Leben.
Beat Blaser Jazz Aktuell DRS 2

Was man auf OUT hört, ist frei, lebendig und irre schön.
Evelyn Pschak ALPS Magazin

Werner Hasler hat mit OUT ein knisterndes Werk geschaffen: Glasklar die Aufnahmen, da klirrt, schleift und ziept es, da sind vertrackte Beats, Sternstaub-Synthesizer, jemand, der ein Blatt zerknüllt, und warm bläst die Trompete.
Milena Krstic Der Bund 7.4.16

OUT ist ein Imperativ: Raus aus der Komfortzone. Raus aus dem vertrauten Probelokal, raus aus dem vertrauten Setting der Konzertbürhne , raus aus dem normalen Konzertbetrieb und hinein in ein grandioses Abenteuer aus Kunst und Musik, das einen wunderbar erfrischenden und hoch spannenden Blick über den Tellerrand hinaus eröffnet... Man kann nur begeistert dazu aufrufen: Leute, lasst euch diese Ausstellung und das noch kommende Konzert nicht entgehen!
aoe Liechtensteiner Vaterland 20.6.2016

Hasler bläst einen samtigen Ton, der sehr innig mit dem Cello harmoniert, er lädt ein, sich von spatialer Klangpoesie einfangen zu lassen, gestreift von Verkehrsgeräuschen, von Vögeln umzwitschert, umsummt von Hummeln. Die Drums bleiben zu diesen tagträumerischen Lyrismen jedoch temporeich und animiert klopfend am Puls der Zeit.
Rigobert Dittmann in Bad Alchemy 89

..an jenem Abend waren wir ein bisschen am Konzert, ein bisschen an der Vernissage.
WIPI Liechtensteiner Volksblatt 20.6.2016

Der Berner Trompeter Werner Hasler führt den Jazz auf die Strasse. Mit dem Trio The Outer String begab er sich auf die Suche nach klangvollen Orten. Fündig wurde er in kurzerhand zu Studios gewordenen Aussenplätzen von Liechtenstein bis Paris. Entstanden ist eine CD mit acht sphärischen Tracks.
DRS 1 Podcast 9. April 2016

Das ist hypnotisch, atemberaubend aufwühlend und einfach sackstark!
LiechtensteinerVaterland August 2016
